Friday, November 18, 2005

Illustration Friday (Free)

"Free Spirit"


Trout Fishing on Oahu said...

Yipee! I'm first! (Now that I got that out of my system.) This is fantastic. I love it all, but especially the choice of materials. It's perfect. Bravo!

Angela Wales Rockett said...

Just beautiful! And the composition and the movement and the colors all convey a sense of freedom.

Mick said...

This certainly creates the feeling of freedom and movement. Exquisite collage!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful collage! I especially like the blue swooshiness in the background - very free :)

melinda beavers said...

great job. the colors are beautiful. and this piece has such movement! particularly exceptional considering it's collage.

Mose Onetwenty said...

What a great idea, love the colours too.

I hope no fishes were harmed in producing this artwork :)

carla said...

This is absolutely gorgeous! The concept and the colors are striking and energizing. Splendid work:>

Todd DeWolf said...

Simply beautiful. Great spirit here. Cheers!

Unknown said...

Another wonderful collage.
Great colors and concept

milanrubio said...

beatiful the pin-up girl and those fishes!
Nice work